Ready to Cultivate Patience in May?

Codie Lea
May 1, 2021
May is finally in full bloom! The trees are starting to fill out, the weather is teasing and delighting us with warm days, and the energy is truly starting to feel ALIVE! Also, does it feel like April flew by!? Holy Cow!

But how was your April? Was it full of new things blossoming and coming online? Did you experience more grounding? (Especially those in the membership! Since our theme last month was grounding!) Or maybe do you feel you checked out for the month as it flew by in a blink? 

Well now we are stepping into another new month, so now we have an opportunity to choose, what are we wanting to create this month? What is your intention? Your direction? And how are you going to cultivate that in yourself and in your life?

Every month is a great RESET, a check-in point on where we are in our life, who you are growing into, and a time to recalibrate. Often though, we can become numb and unconscious, barreling through the next thing, moving right along only to one day look back and ask, “where did all that time go?”

Well this is your invitation!


And if you want some help then use this months FREE Journal Prompts as a guide!
Download Journal Here:
May Journal Prompts.pdf 398.81 KB

Then move forward from alignment. It is better to align and then take action than it is to take action without alignment.

That is why this months focus in the membership is ALL about patience. I mean in our high strung world, how do you cultivate patience? In all your rushing around, how do you get still, pause, breathe, and return to your inner alignment? How do you find that alignment in the first place!? 

These are the things we will explore through the Patience Journal, weekly journal prompts to help you look within. This is also what we will explore in the Quantum Activation, discovering patience and it’s movement, it’s dance, the waiting, & the being. I will also lead your through a Guided Meditation on Patience, finding a deep stillness within the Self. All of this to help guide you towards a deeper relationship to patience in your own life.

So if you are ready to join us, please join the Wise Woman Ascending (Or Wise Soul Ascending if you prefer! Anyone and everyone is welcome!)

Or if you would prefer, sign up separately for the event that feels good to you!

Mark your calendar for the events this month (all included in the membership):
May 5th I am Patient: Quantum Activation at 10AM CST 

May 10th New Moon Reading at 10AM CST

May 19th Guided Meditation on Patience at 10AM CST

May 26th Full Moon Reading at 10AM CST

May 28th Live Coaching Q&A AT 12PM CST
Only for Members, Become a Member

As you open yourself up to the growth of this month, to the full blossoming as we move toward summer, I invite you to contemplate, What is growing and blossoming in your life? And is it what you most deeply want and desire? If not, how can you re-align?

If you need help with your re-alignment, discovering what it is you deeply desire, or want to learn how to trust your inner guidance, than reach out and let’s chat! 

Happy Blossoming!!
Codie Lea